
Making 'What if?' Possible

In the London insurance market some 59,000 professionals pioneer solutions for emerging risks, underpinning global trade, development and innovation.

How London Works

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Uniquely Positioned for Global Risk

London is a key partner for insurance and reinsurance clients globally, providing a home for their risks. We are a support mechanism for those large, challenging and developing risks that local insurers either do not wish to, or cannot, underwrite.

Without the London Market’s willingness to insure it, a great deal of progress across the globe would have been impossible. Today, in a world of unprecedented change and opportunity, London’s insurance market is more essential than ever.

Only London can bring together the breadth of expertise and depth of resource needed to address the universe of risks that decision makers face.

So, whatever you want to achieve, wherever you want to go, and whatever challenges lie ahead, the London insurance market makes it possible.

Read our Case Studies

There is no Planet B

The London insurance market has a unique role in helping society tackle the risk of climate change and businesses embrace the goal of net zero. Here we bring together examples of the market’s thinking and solutions.

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Industry Insights

Explore how the London insurance market is on the cutting-edge of innovation.

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Broadcasts from the Professionals

Tackling today’s universe of risks and getting our clients back on their feet when disaster strikes
