AIG – Hydrogen insurance

AIG – Hydrogen insurance

    Industry Sectors


About the product/service

AIG provides insurance coverages to construct and operate plants utilising hydrogen as well as pipelines for hydrogen production and transportation. AIG provides coverages across the hydrogen value chain, including plants, pipelines, underground storage, and wells, for various product lines such as property, energy and casualty.

Supporting greener outcomes

Hydrogen is anticipated to play an increasing role in the energy transition towards a low-carbon economy. Due to its chemical properties, hydrogen offers an enormous potential as a climate-neutral energy carrier, which is why this particular substance plays a key role in achieving the defined climate targets. AIG is supporting the growth of this sector through providing insurance coverages across the hydrogen value chain.

Enabling customers today

AIG supports this transition by offering coverages to our clients for such assets as: plants (various equipment and operations), pipelines, transportation, and other technologies fuelled by hydrogen. AIG has the capability and the appetite to design an individualised product to meet our clients needs.